Who are we?

We are part of a group, who has visions for the future of cycling in Leeds. We want to making it a better, safer, exciting and a renowned place to cycle. After all cycling is one of the quickest and cheapest ways to get in and out of the city. In Great Britain around 8% of the population cycles 3 times a week or more. This could be more if we enhanced cycling routes and places to leave your bike securely.

Over the last year we have had more media exposure about our campaign. We have been on local and national television. We even get invited to the big meetings on cycling activity in Leeds. So your views will be heard. As we backed the bid to bring the Tour de France to Yorkshire! Which will be great to be part of.

As a member of the group you get to come to many of our social events and even our highlight event of the year, Our Christmas Ride and Festive Dinner! What could be better? We also meet once a month and there might even be some eating. Then to burn it off we have cycling events most weeks for the younger rider and old ranging in distances.

You can be part of it,